Dominican Republic - La Romana (Dominicus)
Two posts in a row?!! I know, I'm surprised too. But don't get too excited, this is clearly a rare occurrence. When summertime roles around, I get excited? Why? I don't know. It is not like I get summers off. I guess the weather is nice and it reminds me of a time when life was carefree. Our first #furyyumadventures trip of 2017 was to the Grand Canyon - which lives up to its name btw. It truly is GRAND. Will have to write a separate post on that sometime. My husband has been wanting to go on a trip that involves a whole lot of relaxing. Now that doesn't sound very adventurous and knowing me I wasn't sure how I felt about just hanging out on a resort for a week but decided to give it a try. We've heard great things about the Caribbean and decided to go with the Dominican Republic for our summer destination. The D.R. is probably the most affordable place to visit in the Caribbean and there are many great resorts in the area. Hurricane season starts late i...